The Advantages of Polyurethane are as follows:
is only insulation material in Pakistan which is seamless
with no joints at all. This means that there no thermal
bridges and absolutely no way heat gets pass this material.
is the only insulation material in Pakistan which bonds
itself with the surface of the roof. There is
absolutely no way rain water can get
trapped between the insulation material
and the roof slab. (This makes this product remarkably
superior to Polystyrene and Polyethylene where
rain water eventually
gets trapped between the insulation material
and the roof slab and can not
get dried due to lack of air or sunlight.
This invariable leads to ugly water seepage spots
appearing on the ceiling.)
The Polyurethane Roof Insulation is applied within
a couple of hours with immediate benefits. See Application Procedure
Superior thermal Insulation Properties
The most important benefit
is the low Thermal Conductivity Value
of our product. This means that almost
no heat get through the roof. The comparison
of different roof insulation product is given