About Us
Pakistan Insulations Pvt Ltd was established in 1986 as a manufacturing company dedicated for improving thermal efficiency
in the country. Our mission was and has been throughout to promote the cause of energy conservancy in the period of
history witnessing ever rising energy costs. Our initial product was Rockwool with which we have insulated most of the
industries in Pakistan. It still remains as the prime material of choice for thermal and acoustic insulation all the
country. Our highly proficikent sales team handles prposals for your inquires with the buildings, super markets, aircraft hangers, exhibition halls, car parks, as well as residential buildings. We can also offer you structural steel structures in addition to buildings. These structures can be used in industrial setup as platforms and also as components for multi story structures. |
Pakistan Insulations (Pvt.) Ltd.
Head Office : 107, 1st Floor, Business Avenue
PECHS Block-6, Karachi, Pakistan.
Tel: + 92 21 34529722/3 +92 21 34532958
Fax: + 92 - 21 34548686